There's also currently an issue with random encounters-if you're defeated by some nameless rando they'll vanish from the world along with whatever gear they've taken off you. I'd also suggest using the Vortex mod manager (opens in new tab). Start at the Shadow of Skyrim mod page (opens in new tab), which will tell you what you need to get it running. Shadow of Mordor has a half-dozen other mods it's dependent on, like SkyUI and SKSE, and some of those mods have their own dependencies, plus there are different versions of several of the mods depending on which version of Skyrim you're running. Shadow of Skyrim is a bit of a bear to get installed if you're starting with a clean vanilla version of Skyrim Special Edition or Skyrim Anniversary Edition (or Skyrim SEVR). But I imagine it's got quite the confidence boost now. It was given the name "Gargantuan Mudcrab" even though it remained pretty teeny. A nameless Whiterun soldier I picked a fight with also beat me, and his name became "Guard Mickal the Sunderer," which is a bit better.

When I woke up in Dragonsreach he had a new title, "Ulfberth War-Bear Belly-Piercer," which doesn't really inspire fear. I strolled into Warmaiden's and started punching Ulfberth War-Bear until he drew his massive hammer and beat me to a pulp. I quickly found my lost gear and defeated the wolf (it wasn't using my weapons, probably due to a lack of thumbs), then tracked down the troll and killed it, dispelling my debuffs.

I also had two new debuffs: one made my attacks against animals weaker, and one lowered my encumbrance.

The troll instantly mauled me and I woke up somewhere else, this time thankfully with no enemies around.īut I had my first two nemeses! They were shown on the Shadow of Skyrim menu as "Confident Wolf" and "Dangerous Frost Troll" and I had the ability to track them as quests. I woke up unarmored in a cave, and most unfortunately, there was a troll standing about five feet away. Outside Whiterun with my level 1 character, I let a wolf defeat me. I've played with Shadow of Skyrim a bit today and while it's not perfect (especially the respawning system), it's still pretty darn enjoyable.